ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) 2023 was published on July 1st, making January 1, 2024 the deadline for compliance.
The 2023 edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) was published on July 1, 2023. The latest edition/addenda becomes mandatory six months after publication, making January 1, 2024 the deadline for compliance.
If your project requires a Welding Procedure Specification (WPS), now is a great time to start working on it.
Some of the changes in the 2023 publication allow us to deliver more value to Qualimet’s Clients by potentially reducing the amount of testing required for qualification in some instances. For example, ASME BPVC Sec.VIII-1 – 2023 UG-84 Charpy Impact Tests, now indicates that for welding procedure qualification, each process may be qualified using single or multiprocess test coupons. If more than one set of essential or supplementary variables for a process is recorded on a procedure qualification record (eg. a change in filler metal F-number), certain requirements for multiprocess testing shall apply for each set of variables as if that set were a separate welding process. Also, when specimens contain metal from more than one process, the test results apply to all the processes contained in those specimens. If you need a WPS, Qualimet would love to help you obtain it with the least amount of hassle.
Call us at 780-469-5870, or use the form below to request a new WPS or to review your existing ones for compliance to ASME BVPC-23!