Associations & Community Partners


Here are links to some organisations concerned with metals and materials production, testing, and use:

ASM – American Society of Materials

ASM is an organisation dedicated to advancing the knowledge and use of metals and materials.

AWS – American Welding Society

AWS develops codes and standards related to welding procedures, weld quality, and construction practices involving metals and welding.

Also see the AWS Northern Alberta Section webpage for information on initiatives and meetings in the Northern Alberta area.

CSA – Canadian Standards Association
The Canadian Standards Association is a not-for-profit organisation that develops standards related to public health and safety.

Transport Canada

Transport Canada is the regulatory authority that governs dangerous goods transport in Canada.

ASME – American Society of Mechanical Engineers

The ASME sets internationally recognized industrial and manufacturing codes and standards, including standards for welding and the use of metals.

B.C. Safety Authority

The B.C. Safety Authority is the regulatory agency responsible for administering the construction and use of pressure vessels, pressure piping, and other pressure equipment in British Columbia. Similar in scope to ABSA (formerly Alberta Boilers Branch) in Alberta.

CWA – Canadian Welding Association

The CWA is a not-for-profit division of the CWB Group. Membership is open to welding professionals, fabricators, and manufacturers.

Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan (TSASK)

The Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan (TSASK) delivers licensing and inspections services for boilers, pressure vessels and pressure piping, amusement rides, and elevators.

ASTM – American Society of Testing & Materials

ASTM develops standards for materials testing and industrial processes and products worldwide.

Certificate of Recognition (COR)

The Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) and Alberta Human Resources and Employment, Workplace Health and Safety have developed the COR safety certification program to help employers and workers reduce losses caused by workplace injuries.

CWB SEARCH for Accredited Companies & Individuals
Search the CWB registration database for accredited companies, organisations, inspectors, and test centres.



ABSA – Alberta Boilers Safety Association
(Formerly Alberta Boilers Branch)
ABSA is the regulatory agency responsible for administering the construction and use of pressure vessels, pressure piping, and other pressure equipment in Alberta.

CWB – Canadian Welding Bureau
The CWB is instrumental in administering welding certification programs under the auspices of the Standards Council of Canada.

APEGA is the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta. It regulates the practice of engineering, geology, and geophysics in Alberta.

CSCE – Canadian Society for Civil Engineering
The CSCE is dedicated to developing and maintaining high standards of civil engineering practice in Canada.


EEA – Edmonton Executive Association
The Edmonton Executives Association is an exclusive and highly selective Association of business leaders representing leading Edmonton businesses. Each member firm is committed to helping other member firms increase their business by providing direct business, referrals and business information. In addition, members receive from their fellow members personal and immediate attention to their needs and requests.

Edmonton Chamber of Commerce
Supports and enhances the Edmonton business community by advocating for conditions that keep businesses competitive, delivering educational experiences that helps them thrive, and connects them to the right people.


Charities We Support

Stollery Children’s Hospital

Cross Cancer Institute

Alberta Heart and Stroke

Alzheimer Society

Alberta Association for the Dependent Handicapped

Red Cross