The ASME 2023 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes have made changes that may invalidate your welding procedures. Call Qualimet and we will revalidate them for you.
The ASME 2023 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes have made changes that may invalidate your welding procedures. Call Qualimet at (780) 469-5870 and we will revalidate them for you.
- QG-108 has been revised to remove the 1962 provision and clarify the status of old PQRs when writing a WPS to a later edition.
- The definition of “initial heating interfacial pressure” was added to QG-109.2 and previous omissions of “sidewall-fusing” was added to pertinent definitions within QG-109.2.
- Table OW-264 has a new requirement that includes carbon equivalent limits for applicable steel alloys, when laser welding is performed, in order to address the increased risk of any cracks occurring.
- A new paragraph in QW-403 also includes the new variable for a change in base metals.
- Table QW/QB-422 has been revised to include:
- Weld metals based on SFA classification: SFA-5.9, SFA-5.18, & SFA-5.28
- An explanatory note-QW-424.3
- Base metal specification and grades for IRAM-lAS U500-42, an Argentinian standard for structural use of hot rolled carbon steel sheets.
- Nonmandatory Appendix-L has been revised to further clarify the qualification requirements for welders and welding operators.